Thursday, May 05, 2005

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Mickey Mouse closes the parade, as he does with most parade in the Disney parks. I say 'most' because there are several where he is either first or somewhere in the middle, such as the Christmas parades and the Tokyo Disneyland parade/show currently showing Rock Around the Mouse.

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Whenever you see Pluto around, that means that Mickey isn't all that far behind.

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

The Kangaroo Drums Float

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Donald Duck's jeep is one that looks like it's ready for the beach and not for a safari. Lining his jeep is mostly swim gear. Behind, he's towing a boat.

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Terk and Timon, who each have shows within Disney's Animal Kingdom, took time out of their schedule to be in the parade and greet their fans.

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

The Tropical Bird Drums Float

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Goofy's jeep is interesting. As it passes by, you get a heavy blast of the smell of hot dogs and hamburgers. Apparently, he's dragging a grill still smoking and still lit.

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Brer Bear and Brer Rabbit meet the guests with Goofy's Float behind them

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

The Camel Drums Float

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Minnie's float features a lot of her "bare necessities" and bubbles that come out from her bathtub.

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

The Elephante Drums Float

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Chip and Dale are my favorite Disney characters! It must be the Asian blood in me, because they are very popular over at Tokyo Disneyland. Not as popular as Mickey, but definately right up there as far as stuff with their likeness you can buy and how many shows they've been included in.

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Rafiki as Grand Marshal

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002

Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Expedition Parade 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Baloo and Louie open the parade

Monkey See...

Monkey See...
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

...Monkey brest-feeding her baby. Seriously.

Disney's Animal Kingdom is the only place in all of Walt Disney World where you will see blood, crap, and monkeys brest-feeding their young. Monkey breeding sex shows, however, are kept off stage.

An Afternoon Wade

An Afternoon Wade
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

I had to fight to get this show. Okay, not really, but there was pushing and shoving involved considering it was a rather crowded bridge I was on. Thankfully, it was designed to take on a lot of weight, or else I and everyone else on the bridge would be in the pool with the tiger.

A Flag-Lined Walkway

A Flag-Lined Walkway
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

I wonder where people would think I went to if I showed them this and didn't say that it was taken at Disney's Animal Kingdom.

Peeking Peacock

Peeking Peacock
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

This curious little bird practically walked up to the window for me to take a picture of it. Talk about tame.

Asian Boats

Asian Boats
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Doesn't look like I'm still at Disney's Animal Kingdom, does it?


Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Dude! It's, like, Crush's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparent or something like that!


Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

A close up of the monster that scared the pee out of my mother. Litterally. Thankfully, not in the ride vehicle, or else we'd have a problem.


Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

In the waiting area of Dinosaurs (AKA Countdown to Extinction), there is a giant Carnosaurus skeleton. This dangerous meat eater eventually starts chasing you in the ride, which my sister didn't like.

Primeval Whirl

Primeval Whirl
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

There are not a lot of Disney fans that like this ride for one reason or another. Some call it cheap, while others say the ride is just plan ugly. I must be in the minority for actually liking it.

Wrong Park

Wrong Park
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

This crow should have been over at the Haunted Mansion and not at Disney's Animal Kingdom, but then again, this crow wasn't made by Disney.

The Festival of the Lion King 2002

The Festival of the Lion King 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

The Grand Finale

The Festival of the Lion King 2002

The Festival of the Lion King 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Timon decided to come back to help close the show with the audiance participation part. Basically, we each take a different part of the song The Lion Sleeps Tonight and attempt to be louder than the the other three sections. In the end, we just make more noise than music. But, hey, it was fun.

The Festival of the Lion King 2002

The Festival of the Lion King 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

This aerial ballet takes place during Can You Feel The Love Tonight? and is a real crowd pleaser. It's more beautiful in person.

The Festival of the Lion King 2002

The Festival of the Lion King 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

This fire dancer is the highlight of the Be Prepared number of the show.

The Festival of the Lion King 2002

The Festival of the Lion King 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Timon was trying to sing a song, but these monkeys inturrupted him. Timon went into Prima Donna mode and left the show for a while. The monkeys then took it upon themselves to entertain us with their acrobatic skills.

The Festival of the Lion King 2002

The Festival of the Lion King 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Pumba watching The Festival of the Lion King

The Festival of the Lion King 2002

The Festival of the Lion King 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Simba watching The Festival of the Lion King

This is the same float that was in the Lion King parade several years before. However, the remake of this float is a step up from what you see in the show. For the 50th, Disney's new Lion King float features a Simba whose front legs move and can dance a bit as well as a Nala puppet that can wink to the crowd. The only thing this puppet in the photo can do is act and pose for pictures during the post show.

The Festival of the Lion King 2002

The Festival of the Lion King 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

The hosts and hostesses of The Festival of the Lion King

Morning Patrol

Morning Patrol
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

In true Zoo Tycoon fasion, Disney decided to put both the meerkats and warthogs together in one big exhibit. Surprisingly, they do get along with each other in real life. This meerkat is one of two that were picked to do morning watch. The warthogs were still asleep when we came by, but you could see their tusks pretty well inside their dens.

Hippo Tank

Hippo Tank
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

On one of the many walking trails, you can see more animals from the various regoins. On this one, we were able to see into the hippo pool and find that there is more than just water. The fish, however, didn't want us to see their main attraction. I think they were kind of jelous.

Kilimanjaro Safari 2002

Kilimanjaro Safari 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

These water fowl were asleep when we passed by. Below them is a hippo pool, but they were hiding.

Kilimanjaro Safari 2002

Kilimanjaro Safari 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

The story goes that the creator of the African Savannah let every animal pick a plant to represent them. When it came to the Hyena's turn, someting odd happened. The Hyena, having a twisted sense of humor, asked that the Boab Tree be the tree that represents their speices, but asked that the tree be planted upside-down. The creator did so, which is why the Boab's branches look like its roots.

Kilimanjaro Safari 2002

Kilimanjaro Safari 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

It is said that the rinos will sometimes challenge the safari vehicles on the Kilimanjaro Safari ride. Thankfully, the vehicles are stable enough to withstand the blow, but if you find yourself in that kind of situation, you got more bang for your buck.

Just remember, no two safaries are the same!

The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

The Icon of Disney's Animal Kingdom

It's not that hard to get a good picture of it. Getting a great picture, on the other hand, takes some planning and patience.

Disney's Animal Kingdom 2002 Character Greeting

Disney's Animal Kingdom 2002 Character Greeting
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Mickey, Minnie, and all their friends welcome those guest that came right as the park opened.

Yes, I made my family get to the park right as it opened. They didn't much appreciate it, but at least we got our money's worth by staying from opening to closing.

I was forced to have this taken!

I was forced to have this taken!
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

My mother insisted that I have a picture of me in front of the DisneyQuest building, so I reluctently did as she asked.

In case you can't tell, I don't like getting in front of the camera.

DisneyQuest's VR Game

DisneyQuest's VR Game
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Some VR Game I never got the chance to play. Too long of a line.

Buzz Lightyear's AstroBlaster

Buzz Lightyear's AstroBlaster
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Not to be confused with the ride at Disneyland and Tokyo Disneyland. This is actually a bumper car ride where you roll over dodge balls that are then used to shoot at other bumper cars. If they hit your car's target, your car goes spinning out of control for a few seconds. You need a friend in order to play this game, otherwise no going on it.

In my opinion, the rides at the two Disneylands I mentioned are worlds better.

Dance Dance Revolution!

Dance Dance Revolution!
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Yup, they even have DDR at DisneyQuest. It's right across the Mighty Ducks game and next to the elevator. Gets very good foot traffic if you are looking to show off to a lot of people. Thing is, when I was there, they only had the first US version. There is a Disney version that they have at Tomorrowland last I heard, but who knows if it was moved into DisneyQuest.

The Mighty Ducks Pinball Slam

The Mighty Ducks Pinball Slam
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

A game where you play the pinball. It's not as painful as you might think.

DisneyQuest's Hub

DisneyQuest's Hub
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

The hub of DisneyQuest pointing to the various floors and featured games on those floors looks better than how I photographed it. Trust me.

CyberSpace Mountain Pod

CyberSpace Mountain Pod
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

This pod can be found outside of DisneyQuest's building. It is a preview of the other pods found inside DisneyQuest at the CyberSpace Mountain game where you can design your own roller coaster... and then ride it!

DisneyQuest 2002

DisneyQuest 2002
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

DisneyQuest is a five-floor arcade with games ranging from Pong to Dance Dance Revolution to even a few exclusive games like a Pirates of the Carribean VR Game! And the best part is that it is all air conditioned!

Toy Story Parade 1996

Toy Story Parade 1996
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Woody on his float which closes the parade.

Part of a small "lost" collection of pictures from a 1996 trip to Disney/MGM Studios

Toy Story Parade 1996

Toy Story Parade 1996
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Woody's float and a HotWheel's Go-Cart.

Part of a small "lost" collection of pictures from a 1996 trip to Disney/MGM Studios

Toy Story Parade 1996

Toy Story Parade 1996
Originally uploaded by zeekslider.

Bo Peep follows closely behind Buzz's float. She must like the view. ;)

Part of a small "lost" collection of pictures from a 1996 trip to Disney/MGM Studios